Jessica Depies


Jessica is passionate about strengthening movements for social and economic justice. Prior to joining Fundamental in 2022, she mobilized resources for grassroots and community-based organizations across the western hemisphere.  She engaged communities in the fight to end women’s homelessness at the Downtown Women’s Center in Los Angeles; organized networks to protect the rights of detained immigrants at the Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition in Washington, D.C.; and helped to weave networks of organizers with Catalytic Communities in Rio de Janeiro. 

At Fundamental, Jessica supports clients with a focus on building a shared democracy. She brings to her work a belief in the power of community solutions, a commitment to building meaningful relationships, and a love of crossing items off her to-do list(s). 

Jessica is currently pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. She received her BA from Boston University and is a Fulbright and Truman Scholar.